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Version 3.13.0

· 2 min read

Spend Rule - Allowed merchant countries

You can now specify an allowed or blocked list of countries from where the user can make purchases. The card purchase country is determined from the merchant's registration country.

The allowed and blocked lists can be configured in the card profile level via the Multi portal or per card in the Multi API.

Affected APIs:

  • GET /managed_cards/\{id\}/spend_rules
  • PUT /managed_cards/\{id\}/spend_rules

Spend Rule - Single card purchases

You can now specify the minimum and / or maximum amount of a single card purchase via the Multi API.

Card purchases that are below the minimum amount or above the maximum amount will be automatically declined. This control can be configured per card.

Affected APIs:

  • GET /managed_cards/\{id\}/spend_rules
  • PUT /managed_cards/\{id\}/spend_rules

Card purchase simulator - forex configuration

You can now simulate card purchases that include a forex fee and / or a forex padding via the Multi portal. This option has been added to the Purchase by Card ID and Purchase by Card Number simulators.

Authorisation webhook - additional forex information

The forexPadding field is now available as part of the card authorisation webhook. This field is included when the purchase currency is different from the card's currency and therefore forex is required.

Affected webhooks:

  • POST /managed_cards/authorisations/watch

Service status announcements

You can now view the status of our services and subscribe to receive service status updates. The same announcements are also visible in the Multi portal.

Card friendly names - Emojis Support

Your customers can now include emojis in their card friendly names to further personalise their cards ✨