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Version 2.14.3

· 2 min read
Maria Stellini

New occupation types for consumer identities

When creating an identity, you need to specify the occupation of the root user who owns the consumer identity. We added 2 new occupations to the list, PR_MARKETING and MANUFACTURING. API endpoints affected:

  • POST /consumers/_/create
  • POST /consumers/\{id\}/get
  • POST /consumers/\{id\}/update

New error code when verifying an already verified mobile number

As part of the due diligence process, root users are required to verify their mobile number.

The API endpoint POST /corporates/\{id\}/users/mobile/send_verification_code will return a 409 - Conflict error with code ALREADY_VERIFIED if you trigger the send verification code on an already verified mobile number.

New error code when initiating a send or transfer transaction

The destinationAmount.amount should always be a positive number. If a negative number is provided, a 409 - Conflict error with code INVALID_AMOUNT. API endpoints affected:

  • POST /transfers/_/execute
  • POST /send/_/execute

Due Diligence limits are now deprecated

This is part of a larger initiative in which we are upgrading our risk management systems to cater for the growing number of transactions flowing through Weavr. The allowedLimits and remainingLimits have been deprecated and will be removed in future releases. API endpoints affected:

  • POST /consumers/\{id\}/kyc/get
  • POST /corporates/\{id\}/kyb/get

Instead of monitoring your customers’ restrictions via limits, you will be able to access this information in the transaction details whenever a transaction or an identity is flagged for investigation. More details on how this will work will be provided later on.

Version 2.13.33

· One min read
Maria Stellini

Personalisation of physical card PINs

As a result of customer reports encountering declined purchases when a card PIN is updated after being dispatched, we have decided to deprecate the set PIN feature. Instead the card PIN can only be personalised when upgrading a virtual card to a physical card.

A new optional field named pin has been added to the /managed_cards/\{id\}/physical/upgrade POST API endpoint which can be used to specify a personalised PIN. If this field is not included in the request, a random PIN will be assigned to the card.

The /managed_cards/\{id\}/physical/pin/set POST API endpoint is now deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.

Version 2.13.29

· One min read
Maria Stellini

More descriptive purchase decline reasons

We have updated the authorisations webhook /managed_cards/authorisations/watch to include a comprehensive list of decline reasons.

New KYB temporary failure reasons

The KYB webhook /corporates/kyb/watch now includes a new details parameter. The new optional parameter contains the reasons why the corporate identity has temporarily failed it’s KYB. Such information can help the corporate solve any problems with the documents or information they provided.

Resend expired end-user invites from the Portal

We added the ability for you to resend end-user invites from the Portal in case their original invite expired before they completed their registration. The resend invite capability can be found in the end-user details screen.

Version 2.13.27

· One min read
Maria Stellini

Re-introducing mandatory corporate details

When creating a corporate you will be required to specify the following fields:

  • companyName
  • companyRegistrationNumber
  • registrationCountry

API ChangeLog

Version 2.13.25

· 4 min read
Maria Stellini

## Removing due diligence deprecated fields possibly breaking In previous releases, a number of fields where made deprecated as they where being replaced with other fields which provide additional information on the due diligence of your corporate and consumer customers.

For Corporate KYB the following fields have now been removed: verifications, kyb.allowedLimit and kyb.remainingLimit. The affected APIs are:

  • POST /corporates/{id}/get
  • POST /corporates/{id}/update
  • POST /corporates/_/create
  • POST /corporates/{id}/kyb/get

For Consumers KYC the following fields have now been removed kyc.pep, kyc.sanctioned, kyc.enhancedDueDiligence, kyc.allowedLimit, kyc.remainingLimit.The affected APIs are:

  • POST /consumers/{id}/get
  • POST /consumers/{id}/update
  • POST /consumers/_/create
  • POST /consumers/{id}/kyc/get

## Deprecating due diligence fields non-breaking We are simplifying further the due diligence information returned to you via the API. This helps you in understanding the status of the KYC or KYB for consumers or corporates respectively.

For Corporates the kyb.enhancedCompanyChecksVerified field has been deprecated. We recommend that you use the kyb.fullCompanyChecksVerified field to get the due diligence status of your corporate.

For Consumers the kyc.fullDueDiligenceAddressMatched field has been deprecated. We recommend that you use the kyc.fullDueDiligence field to get the due diligence status of your consumer.

API ChangeLog