Version 3.52.0
Upcoming Releases
Breaking changes ahead of Sept/Oct 2024
Our next breaking change release is planned to be released to Sandbox on Tuesday 24 September 2024. The release will remain on Sandbox for 3 weeks, and then we will release it to the Production environment on Tuesday 15 October 2024.
We will send out advance release notes in August to allow your team more time to prepare. If you have colleagues or partners who need to be in the know about Weavr release notes, please ask them to subscribe to emails here.
Product Updates
Corporate email verification endpoint now supports idempotency
The following API endpoint can now (optionally) be called idempotently:
POST /corporates/verification/email/send
to send an email verification code to the corporate root user
In this case, if the API receives a duplicate request (with the same idempotency-ref
), the system will not send out the email multiple times.
Further information on idempotency is provided in our API Docs here.
Bulk processing capabilities - spend rules PATCH
In the initial beta release of the Bulk Process, the ability to Update spend rules for a managed card was included as an operation that can be grouped together in a bulk. This endpoint was originally created as:
POST /bulks/managed_cards/_id_/spend_rules
but has now been updated to:
PATCH /bulks/managed_cards/_id_/spend_rules
to maintain consistency with the corresponding endpoint for an individual operation.