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Version 3.57.2

· 2 min read

Additional detail in cards data insights

If a card transaction has been declined, Embedder staff can now find out more details to support the End Customer, within the Data Insights area of the Embedder Portal.

In the "Details" view of the "Authorisations" dashboard, a new "Transaction Code" column shows what kind of transaction was attempted e.g. goods and services, or ATM withdrawal. This view already includes "Decline Type".

Note: Authorisations, including declines, are already reported in real-time via the card authorisations webhook. The webhook includes the authorisation type, whether it failed due to spend controls and the reason why, and the decline reason. This new field in Data Insights can help you analyse the success rate more generally for different types of card actions.

Longer Authorised User names permitted

We have increased the character limit for both name and surname fields within the Authorised User creation endpoint, to 50 characters each (from a previous limit of 20). This enhancement accommodates users with longer names.

Affected APIS:

  • Create an Authorised User POST/users
  • Update an Authorised User PATCH/users/{user_id}

Note: a card assignee name limit remains unchanged as there is a limit to the number of characters that can be printed on the card. If the user's real name is longer than the space available to print on a card, the first name(s) should be truncated to aim to keep the surname complete. (For name on card requirements see POST/managed_cards)