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Linked Account Features

Works In Progress

This feature will be made available in Sandbox, as from Wednesday 18th September 2024 for UK-based programmes only.

Activating a Linked Account

Before a Linked Account can be fully activated and used as a source or destination for self-to-self payments, a set series of steps must be completed.

Self-to-Self Payments

Self-to-Self Payments are not in scope of Authorised Push Payment (APP) Fraud claims, ensuring that a [UK] Cards-Focused programme can operate without exposure to risk from general third-party wire transfer flows. In the case of [UK] Cards and Wire Transfer programmes, Linked Accounts can optionally be used to reduce risk by differentiating clearly between “self-to-self” flows and other third-party payments.

The required verification steps for the registration of a Linked Account are explained in more detail in the section ‘Linked Account Verification Process’. The required verification steps will be required upon calling the POST /linked_accounts endpoint for the creation of a Linked Account.

Verification Completion

To successfully activate a Linked Account, all three verification steps must be completed:

  • Each verification step can result in one of two outcomes: Verified or Rejected.
  • Only when all three steps are marked as Verified will the Linked Account transition to an Active state.
  • Once activated, the user will be able to perform self-to-self wire transfers between the Linked Account and their Managed Account.

If any of the verification steps result in a Rejected status, the Linked Account will not be activated and will be set to the overall status Rejected.

The state transition of a Linked Account is explained in the section ‘Understanding Linked Account States’.

Linked Account Webhook Event​

Please note that we are working on a webhook event to inform you as Linked Account state transitions between different states. More information will be shared in the upcoming releases.

Blocking and Unblocking Linked Accounts

Your customers can be provided with the ability to block for a temporary period an active Linked Account. The blocking of a Linked Account can then be reversed by calling the unblock Linked Account endpoint.

For end-users to block a Linked Account, call the endpoint:

End-users can then unblock a Linked Account which is in state BLOCKED, by calling the endpoint:

Blocked Linked Accounts

While a Linked Account is blocked, transactions to and from the blocked Linked Account will be treated in the same way as a non-linked account. This means that the transaction would not be considered as a self-to-self transaction.

Removing Linked Accounts

Your customers can unlink an account and stop using it for self-to-self transactions. However, transactions that were initiated and successfully completed using the unlinked account will not be affected.

If you want to provide your customers with the ability to remove Linked Accounts, call this Multi API endpoint:

Removed Linked Accounts

Should your customer want to use the unlinked account again as a Linked Account, they will be required to go through the Linked Account registration process and verification flow again.

Retrieving Linked Account Information

To retrieve information about the registered Linked Accounts, use the below endpoints to either retrieve a list of accounts or details about a specific account by providing the Linked Account ID in the path parameter:

The response to the above mentioned endpoints will include detailed information about the account. This section explains the various fields returned in the response and their significance.

  • id (required): This is the unique identifier assigned to the linked account. It is used to differentiate between linked accounts in the system.

  • tag (optional): A custom field that can be assigned to the linked account. It is primarily used for easier searching and filtering of accounts.

  • name (required): The full name or corporate name of the account holder, as it appears with the external bank or payment service provider.

  • type (required): The type of account, either registered as a BUSINESS for corporate accounts or PERSONAL for natural persons.

  • country (optional): The country where the external bank or payment service provider holding the account is located.

  • The accountReference object includes the bank account details, whether IBAN or Account Number and Sort Code. This information is required to accurately identify the account held at the external bank or payment service provider.

  • state (required): This provides a view of the Linked Account's current state. More information about what each state signifies is provided in the section ‘Understanding Linked Account States’.


The postman collection, available for download from within the sandbox Embedder Portal, contains the endpoints that need to be called to create and manage Linked Accounts.

GBP Currency

The default currency that is set for accounts to open is EUR. If you are creating managed accounts and linked accounts to test this feature, remember to update these to GBP.

Simulator endpoints are also provided to simulate the successful completion of the verification steps required to activate a Linked Account. These steps can be simulated individually (to more realistically recreate the steps in production) or all together (to assist you in testing more quickly).