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Director KYC UI Component

During the KYB process, the system asks the user to enter information about UBOs and directors/representatives. Weavr will send emails directly to the directors/representatives named during the KYB process so that they can submit their KYC documentation. A buyer must have at least 1 director or representative verified as part of the due diligence.

The content of the emails received by the directors/representatives will include a link that leads to a page in your application where you must embed the Director KYC UI component. The URL will also include a reference that is required to initialise the component.

Display the Director KYC Flow

To display the director KYC flow on the screen, it's necessary to mount it to the DOM. This involves creating a wrapping element that will serve as the container for injecting the secure frame. Be sure to assign an id to the HTML element.


To use Weavr UI components, you must first set up the Weavr UI library in your application and ensure that you have an authentication token set as per instruction.

referenceIdstringRequiredThe reference key retrieved from the previous API call.
<div id="kyc-example"></div>
// secure-kyc.js


To display the component on the screen, it's necessary to mount it to the DOM. This involves creating a wrapping element that will serve as the container for injecting the secure frame. Be sure to assign an id to the HTML element.

// secure-kyc.js
const kyc = weavrComponents.capture.beneficiariesKyc(referenceId);
kyc.mount(selector, options);
selectorstringRequiredThe id of the element that will be used to mount to.
optionsobjectRequiredUsed to customise the flow and any styles available .

Property Definitions


langstringOptionalSpecifying the language the KYC flow is be displayed in (ISO 639-1 format) (defaults to english)
customCssstringOptionalSpecify a CSS file containing styles to brand the UI elements shown in the flow.
customCssStrstringOptionalSpecify a string of plain text styles to brand the UI elements shown in the flow.
emailstringOptionalSpecifying the applicant email.
mobilestringOptionalSpecifying the applicant mobile.
onMessagefunctionOptionalReceive updates on the status of the KYC
Once the consumer has submitted all documentation you will receive a kycSubmitted message
onErrorfunctionOptionalHandle errors
<div id="kyc-example"></div>
const referenceId = `{{ Reference ID }}`;
const beneficiariesKyc = weavrComponents.capture
.mount("#kyc-example", {
// String specifying the language the KYC flow is be displayed in (ISO 639-1 format) (optional, defaults to english)
lang: "en",

// String specifying the applicant email (optional)
email: "",

// String specifying the applicant email (optional)
mobile: "",

// Specify a string of plain text styles to brand the UI elements shown in the KYC flow (optional)
customCssStr: `{{customCssStr}}`,

// Specify a CSS file containing styles to brand the UI elements shown in the KYC flow (optional)
customCss: `{{customCss}}`,

// Receive updates on the status of the KYC
// Once the consumer has submitted all documentation you will receive a `kycSubmitted` message
// (optional)
onMessage: function (message, additionalInfo) {
console.log("Weavr KYC UI Component message: ", message, additionalInfo);

// Handle errors
// (optional)
onError: function (message) {
console.log("Weavr KYC UI Component error: ", message);

API functions

You can interact with the library's components by utilizing the exposed functions. The below is a list of functions exposed for the KYC component.


The mount function is called in order to mount a component into the defined selector.



The KYC component will trigger the following events. You can listen to these events by attaching event listeners.

EventTrigger condition
readyOn component successfully initialisation.
changeWhen component's state changes.
errorAn error in the API will fire this.