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Password UI Component


Your Buyer customers need to be onboarded and authenticated on the Weavr platform. You can find more information on how to onboard your Buyer customers here.

One way to authenticate a user is by collecting their password - you must do this in a way so that your application does not have access to the plain text version of such password.

Embed the password UI component

The Password UI component lets you collect your customer’s password securely and converts it into a token, which you can safely send to Weavr using the API.


To use Weavr UI components, you must first set up the Weavr UI library in your application.

password(name, options, formId);
namestringRequiredA unique name that describes the component.
optionsobjectOptionalDescribes the styling capabilities that are available on the component in subject.
formIdstringOptionalThe form id the password component is in if any.
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(


To display the component on the screen, it's necessary to mount it to the DOM. This involves creating a wrapping element that will serve as the container for injecting the secure frame. Be sure to assign an id to the HTML element.

<div id="password-example"></div>
// secure-password.js
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(

Look and feel

Look and feel can be set according to the state of the UI Component. The following are the states:

  • base - the default state for all components
  • empty - component will transition to this state whenever the input is cleared
  • valid - component will transition to this state whenever the user input is valid
  • invalid - component will transition to this state whenever the user input is invalid

You can specify your custom styles via the options parameter when initialising the component:

const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
// Definition found below

Parameter Definitions

style The specified properties will be applied on the component when it is mounted.

classNamesobjectOptionalDefines which classes are to be appended to the wrapping element depending on the state.
placeholderstringOptionalPlaceholder text to be shown in the input field.
maxlengthnumberOptionalThe allowed maximum length of the input field
autocorrectstringOptionalDefines should the field be autocorrected.
disabledbooleanOptionalTransitions the component to a disabled state if true
styleobjectOptionalDefines the styles that the component will have for each state.
validationModestringOptionalWhen should the state change. onTouch or onBlur
strengthCheckboolean/objectOptionalDefines if the component should be loaded with strength check UI.
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
placeholder: 'Password',
style: {
base: {
fontSize: '1rem',
fontFamily: 'Fuggles',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
classNames: {
base: 'example-class base-class',
disabled: 'disabled-class',
disabled: false,
validationMode: 'onBlur',

Property Definitions


To enhance the flexibility of customizing the appearance of the component's wrapping element, you have the option to input CSS class names into the classNames property, which is accessible in all components. Please ensure that the CSS classes you pass to the component's className property are declared in the root DOM for them to take effect. For additional details on the classNames property, kindly refer to the respective component's documentation.

basestringOptionalDefines the default classes to be appended to the wrapping element.
emptystringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is empty.
focusstringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is focused.
validstringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is valid.
invalidstringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is invalid.
autofillstringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is autofilled.
disabledstringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is disabled.
activestringOptionalDefines the classes to be appended to the wrapping element when field is active.
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
classNames: {
base: 'example-class base-class',
disabled: 'disabled-class',


Upon mounting, the component adopts the defined styles and adjusts its appearance based on its current state. This object encompasses the following properties.

baseobjectOptionalDefines the default style appearance.
emptyobjectOptionalDefines the style appearance when component is in an empty state.
validobjectOptionalDefines the style appearance when component is in a valid state.
invalidobjectOptionalDefines the style appearance when component is in an invalid state.

Each property follows the object format outlined below. This object features the following parameters, with each one accepting inputs based on the provided link.


The Pseudo-Class Object is a recursive structure composed of the same properties listed below. During recursion, the properties specific to the Pseudo-Class are omitted.

backgroundColorstringOptionalBackground color
borderstringOptionalBorder width, style, and color
borderRadiusstringOptionalBorder rounded corners
classesNamesstringOptionalCustom styling, or referencing in your stylesheet
colorstringOptionalText color
fontFamilystringOptionalText font
fontSizestringOptionalFont size
fontSmoothingstringOptionalFont smoothing (anti-aliasing)
fontStylestringOptionalText Style (italic or normal)
fontVariantstringOptionalText with small caps (or other font variants)
fontWeightstringOptionalText weight (thickness or boldness)
heightstringOptionalComponent height
letterSpacingstringOptionalSpace between characters in the text
lineHeightstringOptionalHeight of text
marginstringOptionalSpacing within component
paddingstringOptionalSpacing inside Component (between content & border)
textAlignstringOptionalHorizontal text alignment
textDecorationstringOptionalText underline or overline
textIndentstringOptionalFirst line text indentation
textShadowstringOptionalText shadow effect
textTransformstringOptionalText capitalization
Used to style an <input> element has its value autofilled by the browser
Used to style the placeholder text input or text area element
Used to style text that has been highlighted by the user
Applicable to input type components.Components will transition to this state whenever the user input is available
Applicable to the input type components. Components will transition to this state whenever the user input is disabled
Triggered when a user selects an element via click, tap or “Tab” key
Triggered when a user interacts with an element using a pointed device e.g. cursor
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
style: {
base: {
fontSize: '1rem',
fontFamily: 'Fuggles',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
border: '1px solid white',
':hover': {
backgroundColor: '#fefefe',
border: '1px solid grey',
'::placeholder': {
fontSize: '12px',
fontFamily: 'Inter'
valid: {
fontSize: '1rem',
fontFamily: 'Fuggles',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
border: '1px solid green',


The property can accept either a boolean value or an object. If you provide only a boolean, the component will display the default password strength UI included in the component library. If you wish to customize the appearance of the strength checker, you'll need to define the style based on the properties listed below.

backgroundColorstringOptionalBackground color of the strength checker.
borderstringOptionalBorder width, style, and color.
borderRadiusstringOptionalBorder rounded corners.
classNamesstringOptionalAppends the class names to the element and inherits css from the defined class names.
hideTextstringOptionalHide or show text.
weakColorstringOptionalColor of strength checker when password is weak.
mediumColorstringOptionalColor of strength checker when password is of medium strength.
strongColorstringOptionalColor of strength checker when password is strong.
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
// strengthCheck: true, // Shows strength checker with default styling
strengthCheck: {
// optional (defaults to false) - all object values are also optional
borderRadius: "2px",
border: "1px solid black",
backgroundColor: "white",
weakColor: "red",
mediumColor: "orange",
strongColor: "green",
// hideText: true

API functions

You can interact with the library's components by utilizing the exposed functions. The below is a list of functions exposed for the Password component.


The mount function is called in order to mount a component into the defined selector.



The unmount function is called in order to unmount a component from its selector.


Once a component is unmounted it can be remounted. One can remount the component utilizing the mount function.



The destroy function can be used to remove the element and its references from the DOM.


Once a component is destroyed it cannot be remounted. The component will be removed from Document Object Model (DOM) alongside any references and will need to be re-initialised.



This function makes event listeners available for interacting with the component during events.

password.on(event, listener);


This function provides the capability to detach event listeners from the component., listener);


This function provides the capability to focus within the component.



This function provides the capability to blur out of the component.



This function provides the capability to clear the password field.



This function provides the capability to tokenise the input value. A promise is returned and the resolved value is the tokenised value.



The Password component will trigger the following events. You can listen to these events by attaching event listeners.

EventTrigger condition
readyOn component successfully initialisation.
changeWhen component's state changes.
errorAn error in the API will fire this.
focusTriggered when input element is in focus.
blurWhen input element loses focus
keyupTriggered on key up, providing a key parameter representing the key that triggered the event. The keys triggering the event are either 'Enter' or 'Escape'.
submitOn 'Enter' key up, or other submission buttons.
redirectfocusCalled when focus is leaving the current input element, to the next/previous element. Fires with an event specifying if the focusDirection is previous or next.
autofillWhen input has been autofilled.
autofill-clearedWhen autofilled content has been cleared.
strengthTriggered with every strength state change.


1. Showing password strength

It is useful to give an indication to the user on the expected strength of an entered password when you are onboarding a new buyer or when they are changing their password. When creating/changing a password component, you can

  1. Enable the strengthCheck capability in the Password UI Component
  2. Listen for the strength event triggered by the Password UI Component

This is an example of how to enable the strengthCheck capability:

const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
placeholder: "Password",
maxlength: 20,
// strengthCheck: true, // Shows strength checker with default styling
strengthCheck: {
// optional (defaults to false) - all object values are also optional
borderRadius: "2px",
border: "1px solid black",
backgroundColor: "white",
weakColor: "red",
mediumColor: "orange",
strongColor: "green",
// hideText: true

Listening and capturing a strength event, note that there are 4 possible states:

  • Very Weak: { id: 0, value: 'Very Weak' }
  • Weak: { id: 1, value: 'Weak' }
  • Medium: { id: 2, value: 'Medium' }
  • Strong: { id: 3, value: 'Strong' }
passwordComponent.on("strength", (e) => {
// Strength of password has changed
console.log("Password strength:", e.value);


For more examples related to matching passwords and changing passwords, please consult the provided documentation.

1. Input tokenisation

To convert the entered value in the password component, you must initialize and mount the component successfully. Subsequently, you need to invoke the createToken() function, which will yield a tokenised value. This value can then be utilized in the authentication flow within your application.

<!-- Define a form in which you will ask your customer to input their password -->
<form onSubmit="onSubmit(); return false;">
<!-- Normal input to accept the username-->
Username: <input type="input" name="user" />
<!-- Div to be injected with the password component -->
<div id="password"></div>

<input type="submit" value="Login" />

<script lang="js">
const passwordComponent = weavrComponents.capture.password(
placeholder: 'Password',
maxlength: 20,


function onSubmit() {
.then(res => {
// Successfully created token

// Outputs:
// {
// "tokens": {
// "{{ component name }}": "{{ token }}"
// }
// }
.catch(e => {
// Error while creating the token