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Weavr Multi is an embedded finance solution. Embedded Finance lets you integrate financial services into your own application providing a seamless experience for your customers. Weavr Multi allows you to do this quickly, cheaply, and without financial expertise.

Learn more

Onboard your consumer or corporate customers and enable them to use financial services within your application.

Enable your customers to create and manage financial accounts.

Enable your customers to issue cards and make purchases.

Allow your customers to deposit, transfer and send funds to 3rd parties.

Start building

Sign up for a free developer account in the Embedder Portal and start prototyping.

Browse the API and see how to create and manage Identities, orchestrate payment workflows, and retrieve transaction data.

Ready-made Secure UI Components which you embed in your front end to collect or display sensitive information.

Receive notifications of activity triggered by the Embedder Toolkit and 3rd parties.

Version-numbered release notes for the Multi API and other important product changes.

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