N/A | Exact Match | No | Account name match |
ANNM | No Match | No | Account name does not match |
MBAM | Close Match | Yes | There may be a match on the account name |
BANM | Close Match | No | The account name matches, but type is 'BUSINESS' |
PANM | Close Match | No | The account name matches, but type is 'PERSONAL' |
BAMM | Close Match | Yes | The account name may be a match, but the type is 'BUSINESS' |
PAMM | Close Match | Yes | The account name may be a match, but the type is 'PERSONAL' |
AC01 | No Match | No | Incorrect account number |
IVCR | No Match | No | Invalid Customer Reference |
ACNS | No Match | No | Account type no supported for CoP |
OPTO | No Match | No | Opted out of CoP Scheme |
CASS | No Match | No | Account has been switched |
SCNS | No Match | No | Sort code not supported at endpoint |