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An outgoing wire transfer is a transaction that moves funds from a Weavr managed account to a bank account held at a third-party financial institution.

Before your customers can send wire transfers, they must:

Supported Wire Transfers

The following table shows the supported methods for both incoming and outgoing wire transfers for different identity types, depending on the currency and country. The currency refers to both the currency of the payment and the managed account. The country refers to where the source account is domiciled (in the case of an incoming wire transfer) or where the destination account is domiciled (in the case of an outgoing wire transfer).

Identity typeConsumerCorporate
CountryUKSEPA ZoneSEPA Zone and Rest of WorldUKSEPA ZoneSEPA Zone and Rest of World
Incoming Wire Transfers (Deposits)Faster PaymentsSEPA SCT or Instant**-Faster PaymentsSEPA SCT or Instant**SWIFT*
Outgoing Wire TransfersFaster PaymentsSEPA SCT or Instant**-Faster PaymentsSEPA SCT or Instant**-

*From an account in same name, using a payment reference. **If beneficiary bank supports SEPA Instant, payments of up to €15k will be routed via this method automatically. Click this link to learn which countries are part of the SEPA zone.

Create a single or multiple Outgoing Wire Transfer

  1. Create a Single (or a Bulk) Outgoing Wire Transfer
  2. Confirm Transactions