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Consumer Identity Notifications

Consumer identity webhook notifications inform you of events that happen and that apply to the consumers you have onboarded.


You can find more information on how to start receiving webhooks here.

KYC State Updates

Weavr submits KYC details to a third party service provider using the KYC UI component. The third party performs the KYC verification process asynchronously from the details submission process. This webhook notification provides you with the latest details on the verification of the consumer identity.


You can find more information on how to embed and initiate the KYC process here.

The information will be sent to you using the <<WEBHOOK_URL>>/consumers/kyc/watch webhook URL.


The <<WEBHOOK_URL>> is the URL configured in your application settings.

The notification includes the following information:

  • The consumerId, which is the unique identifier of the consumer identity.
  • The status of the KYC verification. Unless the status is APPROVED, the consumer is considered unverified.
  • The details – provided only if KYC was not approved. In most cases, you can use this information to fix issues with provided documents and/or details.