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56 posts tagged with "Multi-v3"

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Version 3.33

· 2 min read
Dragos Tigoianu

SMS notification to old SCA-enrolled mobile number when replaced by new mobile number

Enhancement for security around SCA: if an end user changes his mobile number enrolled for receiving SMS OTPs, we will send an SMS notification to their previously enrolled mobile number provided, that old mobile number was previously validated. This message by default states: "Your account’s mobile number ending in {last 4 digits of the previous mobile number\} has been updated with {last 4 digits on the new mobile number\}. If you haven’t requested this change, please contact support".

Change email via PATCH - one request per minute

If an end user requests to change their email address, we send a validation email for them to confirm. We have now added a 1 minute delay between any re-sends of this validation email to prevent spamming or accidental repeat messages.

Do not display deactivated Corporate identities

Part of the Single Login Accessing Multiple Corporates feature, we have implemented a new functionality that will allow users to be displayed only the Active identities they are linked to. When calling Get/Identities the response will only contain the Active Identities that the user is linked to.

Trusted payees list for Outgoing Wire Transfers and Sends

Allow end customers to save payees for Outgoing Wire Transfers and Sends into a "trusted payees" list. Aside from convenience and a reduced chance of making errors when making payments, this allows for the introduction an SCA exemption, where the account holder can request that payments to saved beneficiaries are exempted from the requirement to pass an SCA challenge every time.

Please contact Weavr Support to learn more on how you can benefit from this new feature.

Ability to increase the maximum allowable characters on bespoke plastic cards

If you provide physical cards for your customers and opt for our bespoke plastic cards; depending on your bespoke design and configuration, it will be possible to increase the maximum allowable characters of the nameOnCard and nameOnCardLine2 fields printed on the cards, to a maximum of 27 characters per field.

For on-demand designs, the maximum allowable characters for both fields will remain at 20 characters.

If you already use a bespoke card design, or would like to upgrade your cards and design, please contact Weavr Support to determine the maximum allowable characters for your bespoke plastic card programmes.

Version 3.32.1

· One min read
Dragos Tigoianu

Authorisation Forwarding

We will be introducing the ability for card purchase authorisation details to be forwarded to you via a webhook. This enables you to play a part in whether a card purchase is accepted or declined.

Authorisation Forwarding is an optional feature that can assist you to decide whether to accept or decline Authorisation on a card purchase in real time and it enables you to run your own checks on top of any spend controls you may have configured in the card profiles or on the card itself when your customers perform purchases.

Please contact Weavr Support to learn more about this feature.

Version 3.32

· 2 min read
Dragos Tigoianu

Beneficiary names for OWTs now support special characters

When creating an Outgoing Wire Transfer (OWT), it will be possible to include special characters as part of the field.

The supported characters are inline with the accepted SEPA or FPS payment schemes. If an unsupported characters is used this will be automatically converted to “.”, avoiding any interruption to the OWT submission.

For SEPA we follow the EPC guidelines of the Extended Character Set.

For FPS, the special characters are:

  • "/" (forward slash)
  • "-" (hyphen)
  • "?" (question mark)
  • ":" (colon)
  • "(" (left parenthesis))
  • ")" (right parenthesis)
  • "." (full stop)
  • "," (comma)
  • "’" (right single quote)
  • "+"(plus sign)
  • (blank space)
  • "#" (hash)
  • "=" (equals)
  • "!" (exclamation mark)
  • ” (right double quote)
  • "%" (percentage)
  • "&" (ampersand)
  • "*" (asterisk)
  • "<" (less than)
  • ">" (greater than)
  • ";" (semicolon)
  • "{" (left curly bracket)
  • "@" (commercial at)
  • CrLf (carriage return line feed)

Ability to increase the maximum allowable characters on bespoke plastic cards

If you provide physical cards for your customers and opt for our bespoke plastic cards; depending on your bespoke design and configuration, it will be possible to increase the maximum allowable characters of the nameOnCard and nameOnCardLine2 fields printed on the cards, to a maximum of 27 characters per field.

For on-demand designs, the maximum allowable characters for both fields will remain at 20 characters.

If you already use a bespoke card design, or would like to upgrade your cards and design, please contact Weavr Support to determine the maximum allowable characters for your bespoke plastic card programmes.

Version 3.31

· One min read
Dragos Tigoianu

'Remove Card' endpoint added to back-office

The /managed_cards/\{id\}/remove endpoint has been added to the back-office API set. When using this endpoint you will be destroying the managed card identified by the id path parameter. Unlike block, this action is not reversible.

A managed card must be empty before it can be destroyed using this operation.

Version 3.29.1

· 2 min read
Dragos Tigoianu

Deactivating Corporate Identity will not lead to delete user account

This feature is for users that are linked to multiple Corporates with one set of credentials. If a root user is linked to multiple Corporates, and one of those Corporates is deactivated, the user will continue to have access to the other Corporates linked to the account. The same approach is taken if a user is deactivated that is linked to one particular Corporate, they will continue to have access to the other linked Corporates. If you would like a user to be linked to multiple Corporate identities, with a single set of credentials (email+password), please contact our support team to register your interest in enabling this feature.

Fees Details Dashboard Enhancement

The Fees Details Dashboard can be used to view any fees calculated within your profile.

Due to the possibility of having ‘Fee Groups' set up for different identities (depending on the agreed contractual agreements), we have now introduced a new field within the Fee Details table which allows you the view the 'Fee Group’ (where applicable).

New Webhook Notifications

We have added new webhooks so that you are notified when:

  • A user has attempted to login
  • A user has stepped-up a token by performing second factor authentication

You can find the full list of published webhooks here