Link Account UI Component
The Link Account Component is an embeddable UI Component that is initiated to enable buyers to link their 3rd party bank accounts to be used when funding a payment run. When initiating the Link Account Secure UI Component, users will be prompted to:
- Select Bank: The end-user needs to first select the Bank that holds their bank account
- Link a Bank Consent : The end-user needs to consent to link their bank account. When consent is provided, the end-user will be redirected to their chosen Bank to authorise access to their account data.
- Redirect to your application: As soon as consent is provided, the end-user will be redirected back to your application.
Embed the Link Account UI Component
The Link Account Component requires the below parameters in order to be initialized successfully.
To use Weavr UI components, you must first set up the Weavr UI library in your application and ensure that you have an authentication token set as per instruction.
linkAccount(callbackUrl, state, options, linkedAccountId);
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
callbackUrl | string | Required | The callback URL specifies where the user should be redirected after they have completed their journey on the bank website. |
state | string | Required | This property can be used to pass a string or serialized data, which will be appended to your configured default callback URL. |
options | object | Optional | Add styling to the component. |
linkedAccountId | string | Optional | This property should be used to extend an already ACTIVE Link Account consent or re-authorise an EXPIRED consent. |
The callbackURL
must be on the same domain as the Redirect URL configured in the portal.
const linkAccount = weavrComponents.prompt.linkAccount(
To display the component on the screen, it's necessary to mount it to the DOM. This involves creating a wrapping element that will serve as the container for injecting the secure frame. Be sure to assign an id to the HTML element.
Upon mounting to the element target the component will immediately call the necessary API’s in order to populate the necessary data on screen.
<div id="link-account-example"></div>
// secureLinkAccount.js
const linkAccount = weavrComponents.prompt.linkAccount(
Look and feel
The options
parameter manages the overall appearance of the component. The below defines the options
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
classNames | object | Optional | Defines which classes are to be appended to the wrapping element. |
style | object | Optional | Defines the look and feel of the components elements. |
const linkAccount = weavrComponents.prompt.linkAccount(callbackUrl, state, {
classNames: "link-account-class",
style: {
// Definition found below
Property Definitions
The specified styles will be implemented on the component when it is mounted. While all key-value pairs are optional, each has a default value assigned. You can customize the default values by passing the desired values accordingly.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
container | object | Optional | Styles the wrapping element of the component that within the secure frame |
lineColor | string | Optional | Line color. |
searchField | object | Optional | Defines the look and feel of the search field. |
bankList | object | Optional | Defines the look and feel of the bank list. |
buttons | object | Optional | Defines the look and feel of the button elements. |
consentFont | object | Optional | Defines the look and feel of the font used in the consent. |
const linkAccount = weavrComponents.prompt.linkAccount(callbackUrl, state, {
classNames: 'link-account-class',
container: {
height: '900px',
fontSize: '1rem',
fontFamily: 'Inter',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
padding: '3rem',
borderRadius: '1rem',
lineColor: '#E0E0E0',
searchField: {
placeholderTextColor: '#808080',
searchFieldBorderColor: '#E0E0E0',
searchIconColor: '#595959'
bankList: {
bankNameTextColor: '#0F0B3E',
backgroundHoverColor: '#F9F9F9',
textHoverColor: '#F4F4F4',
arrowIconColor: '#0F0B3E'
buttons: {
buttonRadius: '1rem',
buttonBackgroundColor: '#F4F4F4',
buttonTextColor: '#0F0B3E'
consentFont: {
headingIconColor: '#0F0B3E',
bodyTextColor: '#595959 ',
termsUrlColor: '#2F22C3'
Each property follows the object format outlined below. This object features the following parameters, with each one accepting inputs based on the provided link.
The Pseudo-Class Object is a recursive structure composed of the same properties listed below. During recursion, the properties specific to the Pseudo-Class are omitted.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
backgroundColor | string | Optional | Background color |
border | string | Optional | Border width, style, and color |
borderRadius | string | Optional | Border rounded corners |
classesNames | string | Optional | Custom styling, or referencing in your stylesheet |
color | string | Optional | Text color |
fontFamily | string | Optional | Text font |
fontSize | string | Optional | Font size |
fontSmoothing | string | Optional | Font smoothing (anti-aliasing) |
fontStyle | string | Optional | Text Style (italic or normal) |
fontVariant | string | Optional | Text with small caps (or other font variants) |
fontWeight | string | Optional | Text weight (thickness or boldness) |
height | string | Optional | Component height |
letterSpacing | string | Optional | Space between characters in the text |
lineHeight | string | Optional | Height of text |
margin | string | Optional | Spacing within component |
padding | string | Optional | Spacing inside Component (between content & border) |
textAlign | string | Optional | Horizontal text alignment |
textDecoration | string | Optional | Text underline or overline |
textIndent | string | Optional | First line text indentation |
textShadow | string | Optional | Text shadow effect |
textTransform | string | Optional | Text capitalization |
:hover | object* | Optional | Pseudo-Class Triggered when a user interacts with an element using a pointed device e.g. cursor |
Details the styling attributes for the search field element present in one of the screens of the Link Account flow.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
placeholderTextColor | string | Optional | The color of the placeholder text found in the search field |
searchFieldBorderColor | string | Optional | The border color of the search field. |
searchIconColor | string | Optional | The search icon color found in the search field |
The styling attributes of the bank list.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
bankNameTextColor | string | Optional | The text color of the banks name. |
backgroundHoverColor | string | Optional | The color to apply to the element on pointer hover. |
textHoverColor | string | Optional | The color to apply to the text on pointer hover. |
arrowIconColor | string | Optional | The arrow icon color that is shown on pointer hover. |
Describes the look and feel of the buttons found in the Link Account component.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
buttonRadius | string | Optional | The radius of the buttons. |
buttonBackgroundColor | string | Optional | The background color of the buttons. |
buttonTextColor | string | Optional | The buttons text color. |
The Link Account component will prompt for acceptance of consents. The below describes the consent font style.
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
headingIconColor | string | Optional | Any heading found in the Link Account component. |
bodyTextColor | string | Optional | Any consent related text in the Link Account component. |
termsUrlColor | string | Optional | The URL color for terms and conditions. |
You can interact with the library's components by utilizing the exposed functions. The below is a list of functions exposed for the Link Account component
The mount function is called in order to mount a component into the defined selector.
The unmount function is called in order to unmount a component from its selector.
Once a component is unmounted
it can be remounted. One can remount the component utilizing the mount
The destroy function can be used to remove the element and its references from the DOM.
Once a component is destroyed
it cannot be remounted. The component will be removed from Document Object Model (DOM) alongside any references and will need to be re-initialised
This function makes event listeners available for interacting with the component during events.
linkAccount.on(event, listener);
This function provides the capability to detach event listeners from the component., listener);
The Link Account component will trigger the following events. You can listen to these events by attaching event listeners.
Event | Trigger condition |
ready | Component has been initialisation successfully. |
change | When component's state changes. |
error | An error is returned during API requests. If not handled, an error is returned. |
accept | Triggered when the Link Account Consent is fulfilled. |
decline | Triggered the decline button is clicked. |
// Example - listen for accept event
linkAccount.on("accept", (event) => {
// do something
// Example - decline for accept event
linkAccount.on("decline", (event) => {
// do something
1. Embed the Link Account UI Component
<div id="link-account-example"></div>
// linkAccount.js
const options = {
classNames: "link-account-class",
style: {
container: {
height: "900px",
fontSize: "1rem",
fontFamily: "Fuggles",
backgroundColor: "#f0edde",
padding: "3rem",
borderRadius: "1rem",
lineColor: "#3cf7ca",
searchField: {
placeholderTextColor: "#7c1869",
searchFieldBorderColor: "#7c1869",
searchIconColor: "#7c1869",
bankList: {
bankNameTextColor: "#3cf7ca",
backgroundHoverColor: "#2a2b44",
textHoverColor: "#7c1869",
arrowIconColor: "#7c1869",
buttons: {
buttonRadius: "1rem",
buttonBackgroundColor: "#7c1869",
buttonTextColor: "#3cf7ca",
consentFont: {
bodyTextColor: "#7c1869",
headingIconColor: "#2a2b44",
termsUrlColor: "#7c1869",
const linkAccount = weavrComponents.prompt.linkAccount(
linkAccount.on("decline", (event) => {
console.log("Decline", event);
linkAccount.on("accept", (event) => {
console.log("Accept", event);
*2. Extend the Link Account consent
<div id="link-account-example"></div>
// linkAccount.js
const linkAccount = weavrComponents.prompt.linkAccount(
linkAccount.on("decline", (event) => {
console.log("Decline", event);
linkAccount.on("accept", (event) => {
console.log("Accept", event);