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Fund a Payment Run

Enable your customers to allocate funds for a payment run via one of their linked accounts.


To fund a payment run, you will need:

  • To configure the Open Banking redirect URL in the portal via Settings > Application Details
  • A payment run with the PENDING_FUNDS status
  • A linked account
  • A logged-in user with the Controller role
Transaction limits

Different banks have different transaction limits which may interfere with the payment run funding process. If Weavr detects that a limit is going to be reached, the payment run will be automatically split into groups, each having it's own funding process.

Weavr does it's best to keep track of such banking limits. Please contact us if your customers encounter an unhandled limit.

Start the funding process by retrieving the funding groups via API.

The API endpoint will return one or more funding groups to be used during the funding process.

For each funding group returned, the user will be asked to consent for funds to be transferred from their chosen linked account to the Zero balance account (ZBA).

Open Banking

With Weavr's solution, you are not required to become a Third Party Provider (TPP) or an Agent of a TPP. Instead you can use our UI components to embed the Open Banking flows in your product.

Embed the Payment Initiation Service (PIS) Secure UI Component

Follow the PIS UI Component integration guide to learn how to embed this Open Banking flow within your product.

Open Banking redirect URL

For the UI component to work, you must configure the Open Banking redirect URL in the portal. This URL will be used to redirect the user back to your product once they completed the funding process.

If the chosen linked account is being used to fund a payment run for the first time, the UI component will first request the user to give their consent to sweep the ZBA.

ZBA Sweeping consent

The sweeping consent enables Weavr to transfer any residual funds in the account back to the Linked account at end-of-day (6pm CET). This ensures that no funds are kept unnecessarily in the account.

To confirm the consent, the user must successfully complete SCA. At the moment, this will be done by sending an OTP to the user's registered mobile device which needs to be inputted by the user in the UI component. The OTP expire after 5 minutes of inactivity.

Once the consent is approved, the user is shown another screen with the amount that will be requested and if they agree; they are redirected to their Banking Portal. In their Banking Portal, the bank will ask them to authenticate themselves and will show the amount being transferred to the user.

If the user approves, this will trigger a bank transaction with the approved amount to be transferred from the linked account to the ZBA. The user will then be automatically redirected to your product on the configured Open Banking redirect URL. If the user clicks on I Don't Consent the component will trigger a decline event which should be handled by the application.

Execute payments

Transfer wait time

Depending on the banking rails supported by your customer's bank, the transfer may be instant or else can take up a number of hours.

As soon as funds are received in the ZBA, the payments within the run's funding group will be automatically triggered and the payment run status will transition to EXECUTING. An payment run event will be sent to you, notifying you that the supplier payments are being executed.

Once all payments are executed, the payment run will transition to a COMPLETED status. If one or more payments failed, the payment run status will transaction to COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS.