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CVV UI Component

When you retrieve your customers’ card details, Weavr gives you tokenised CVV numbers. You need to use the CVV UI component to de-tokenise the CVV number and show it to your customer.


Learn how Weavr’s security model works in the tokenisation guide.

1 Get the Tokenised CVV Number


You must perform this step on the server side of your application.


Due to requirements related to strong customer authentication, your authentication token is required to be stepped-up before calling this UI component.

2 Display the CVV Number


To use Weavr UI components, you must first set up the Weavr UI library in your application.

<!-- Define an HTML container where the card CVV is to be shown -->
Card CVV: <span id="cvv" />

<script type="text/javascript">
// Initialise the UI library using your ui_key. Replace {{ui_key}} with your own UI key.

// Set the user’s authentication token
"Bearer {{user_authentication_token}}",
function () {
console.log("associate success");

// Create an instance of a CVV UI component
// Replace the {{cvv_token}} with the tokenised CVV received using the server-side API call
var span = window.OpcUxSecureClient.span("cvv", "{{cvv_token}}");

// Embed the CVV component in the HTML element where you want
// the CVV to be shown

// Handle errors
function (e) {
console.error("associate failed " + e);