KYB UI Component
KYB is one of the steps required to onboard corporate customers onto your application. Weavr provides a KYB component that you can embed in your application. This lets you provide a seamless experience to your user while capturing the required documentation to verify the corporate.
Learn how to onboard a corporate identity in the corporate identity onboarding guide.
1 Get the KYB Reference
2 Display the KYB Flow
To use Weavr UI components, you must first set up the Weavr UI library in your application.
<!-- Define an HTML container where the KYB flow is to be shown -->
<div id="kyb-container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Initialise the UI library using your ui_key. Replace {{ui_key}} with your own UI key.
// Set the user's authentication token
window.OpcUxSecureClient.associate('Bearer {{user_authentication_token}}',
function() {
console.log('associate success');
// Initialise the KYB UI component
// The selector identifying the container where you want to display the component
// The KYB reference returned in the previous step
{ reference: {{reference}} },
function(messageType, payload) {
console.log({messageType, payload})
// Specify the language, in ISO 639-1 format, that will be used
// in the KYB flow. If no translation is available for the language
// specified, the text will be shown in English.
lang: {{language}},
// Specify a string of plain text styles to brand the UI elements shown in the KYB flow
customCss: {{customCss}}